See what goes into operating the world’s most-advanced space power.

Shape the future of defense
Our Guardians are dedicated to constantly improving and reaching new heights.

We foster a diverse and collaborative environment to solve our modern world's most complex tasks.

All Space Force bases include a variety of amenities within close proximity at more affordable prices than that of off-base options. Bases offer an ideal place to enjoy your time away from work and raise a family.
filter by Amenity
Our chaplains provide spiritual care to Guardians and families of all faiths. Their services include running worship, family counseling and advocating for Guardians in cases where they experience quality-of-life conflicts within the service.
Base Exchange
Base Exchanges (BX) are tax - free superstores on base where Guardians and their families can buy amenities for up to 20% less than that of civilian retail options.
Education Center
Our education centers help you get your desired degree(s), whether it’s an associate’s, bachelor’s or master’s degree.
All Guardians have access to banks on base that offer checking and savings accounts and low-interest loans and mortgages.
Spouse and Family Jobs
It takes a village to run a Space Force base, and many civilians fill jobs on base. In cases where there are openings, Guardians’ spouses and children typically get the first shot at these positions.
Libraries are common gathering spots, and you’ll find one on almost every base, offering books, audiobooks, music, movies, free Wi-Fi, a kids’ area and often an in-house coffee shop.
Police and Fire Station
Every Space Force base is monitored by local Security Forces and a fire department, with each ready to respond whenever they’re needed.
Automotive Center
Many bases offer do-it-yourself automotive centers which offer tools and expert staff to help you with any automotive needs.
Vet Clinic
Many bases have veterinary clinics to provide Space Force pets with the care they need.
Officer and Enlisted Clubs
Space Force members can gather at on-base clubs to socialize and relax in their downtime. These include meeting rooms, lounges and bars. Availability and hours vary base to base.