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Eastern range supports GOES-T, Starlink launches

The eastern range at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida, supported three launches from March 1 - 9 for SpaceX's Starlink and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-T missions.

A Falcon 9 rocket launched from SLC-39A March 3 catapulting SpaceX's Starlink 4-9 mission into the cosmos. Another Falcon 9 rocket transported Starlink 4-10 into space March 9.
The GOES-T spacecraft will provide NASA and NOAA with continuous imagery and atmospheric measurements of Earth’s Western Hemisphere, lightning detection and mapping, solar imaging and space weather monitoring. Starlink satellites in low orbit enable worldwide high-speed internet access.
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Department of the Air Force launches NIPRGPT
The United States Department of the Air Force, in partnership with Air Force Research Laboratory, has launched NIPRGPT
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